Would you like to work thoroughly on your short film script, director’s vision and directing actors? Submit your project and become a part of the Directors Village during SHIFT Film Forum at the ECI Cultuurfabriek in Roermond, the Netherlands! Eight filmmakers from different countries will be selected to take part in the residence training program.  

Directors Village is a 5-day on-site European residence training program to enhance and develop the skills of the directors-writers and help you prepare for your next (short film) project. During the Directors Village you will learn and work on the script development, director’s vision & directing actors with coaches during group sessions, networking events, and you help each other to bring your projects further. The workshops will be held in English. 


The participants of the Directors Village are director-writers who are working on their new short film. In order to be eligible for the submission, the director-writer needs to have already directed one short film. The participants will be selected by Screen Talent Europe Network partners. 

*It is important that the participants are (co-)writing and filming their own project; the co-writer can also be invited into the program. 


Participation in the Directors’ Village is limited to eight talents of Screen Talent Europe:

  • Filmmakers from Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Scotland, Sweden and Ukraine are eligible to submit if the film workshop in their region is one of the Screen Talent Europe partners: Film Workshop Copenhagen*, MOIN Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein, CineSud (also for Ukrainian filmmakers), New Noardic Wave, GMAC Film, Ardán Ireland or FilmCloud. Your application will be assessed by your local partner. The participation fee is covered by the partner mentioned above (The partner covers participation in the program, accommodation and catering costs for the selected participants. Traveling costs are fully/partially covered depending on your local partner).

* your participation will be partially covered by Film Workshop Copenhagen.

Applicants must be developing a new fiction project. To apply you already need to have a first draft of a script of maximum 20 pages. One applicant can submit only one short film project.

Would you like to be selected to the Directors Village? Please fill in the application form here. We will select the projects and inform chosen participants at the latest June 20. 

Deadline to submit: June 1, 12:00 PM Amsterdam time.

Together with the application form you will be asked to provide: 

  1. Tagline, logline, synopsis, genre, duration of the project (max. 1 page);
  2. Motivation (Why would you like to participate?) (max. 1 page);
  3. Director’s vision (max. 1 page); 
  4. (Short) biographies of yourself and other crew/cast-members (if applicable)  (max. 1 page);
  5. Moodboard and/or other relevant extra information (screeners of former work are recommended) (max. 1 page);
  6. Script (max. 20 pages).

Apply via the link and deliver all the requested materials in one single PDF of max. 25  pages and max. 5mb. 

If the materials are bigger than asked for, the project will not be taken into consideration. You can submit the application in your native language. It will need to be translated by the applicant into English after the project is selected.


The five-day residency will take place on September 13-17, 2023 in Roermond, the Netherlands at the ECI Cultuurfabriek.


  • September 13, 2023 Get-together & Short Films: Directors Village Special
  • September 14, 2023 Group Session | Writers Room: Script Development 
  • September 15, 2023 Group Session | Directing: Find Your Director’s Vision & Script Analysis 
  • September 16, 2023 Workshop | Directing: Working with Actors I
  • September 17, 2023 Group Session | Directing: Editing & Scene Analysis 
  • September 18, 2023 Departure 

Networking lunches & dinner, film screening & other events during the SHIFT Film Forum are included. Please follow SHIFT Film Forum for more information about the forum.



Apply now!

For more information and to apply: