During the webinar ‘How to develop film talents?’ the Screen Talent Europe network has launched the first ever book on methods for film talent development.

Method book

The vision of Screen Talent Europe is the exchange of knowledge, experiences and methods between the partners through collaborations, network meetings and conferences. The aim of these collaborations is to develop non-formal training methods in European Film Workshops and create awareness and acknowledgement of the creative talent development agencies across Europe.

Why have we created a methods book? A method is often defined as “a particular way of doing something.” At Screen Talent Europe our “something” is developing creative talent and the “particular way we do it” refers to our various funding schemes and programmes. Since the formation of Screen Talent Europe, we have benefited greatly from sharing our methods with each other and we now want to pass these valuable learnings on to your. In the book, we aim to explore the various methods we use to develop creative talent. We want to give room to the details, and all the flavours and nuances our work consists of. As in any recipe, you – the reader – can change bits and pieces to make it your own.

The book Screen Talent Europe: Methods for Film Talent Development was created by Screen Talent Europe with the support of Nordic Culture Point.

Read the book for free here!