Screen Talent Europe partners 2024

Screen Talent Europe (STE) is a network of film workshops and media centres in Europe. At present, we have 17 partners across 9 countries.

The purpose of the network is twofold:

  • To promote and foster international collaboration of non-formal film workshops 
  • To support the development of filmmakers through talent camps, network meetings and co-productions

As a network, we strive towards best practice through an exchange of knowledge, experiences and methods. By offering a common cross-border platform and championing the ‘learn by doing’ approach, STE aims to raise the standard of European talent development in the audiovisual sector. 

For film organisations, this means strengthening the workshop model for non-formal, support-based talent development.

As a Screen Talent Europe partner, you will gain access to knowledge and experience from our various filmmaking workshops across Europe, developing a deeper understanding of how each organisation conducts its informal training style with filmmaking talent.

We are always looking for new members from other countries, particularly eastern and southern Europe. Check if you are eligible to become a member in ‘How We Operate’. 

All organisations in the STE network come together for one in-person meeting and two online meetings per year to share ideas and hear about new ways of doing things. This is an invaluable opportunity to ensure film workshops across Europe are delivering the best possible experience for early-career filmmakers. 

The network is headed by the board who are elected for three years, unless decided otherwise. The President, Vice President and General Board Members are appointed through election, within the board the necessary roles are divided. Important tasks and projects are run by Task Forces constituted through the General Assembly which report to the board.

As we expand the network, we are looking at diversity, geographical coverage and unique qualities that will add value to the network.

When applying to become a member, film organisations should match the following general criteria: 

  • Provide talent development through a ‘learning by doing’ approach, providing equipment and/or financing of production of films based on an idea submitted by a young and emerging talent
  • Provide non-formal education
  • Provide talent programmes (seminars, workshops etc.)
  • Support emerging filmmakers on their particular level of competence
  • Be non-profit
  • Aim for an age 18+ target group
  • Not be a festival, production company or national institute
  • The member should have the mandate within their own organisation to decide on Screen Talent Europe topics 

The annual membership free ranges from 1,000 – 1,500

A method is often defined as “a particular way of doing something”. At Screen Talent Europe our “something” is developing creative talents and the “particular way we do it” refers to our various programs. Since the formation of STE we have benefited greatly from sharing our methods with each other, here you can see a couple of programs which might inspire you.